Add this:
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid SSID
wpa-psk "password to wifi"
- wlan0 - name of the wireless interface
- auto wlan0 - auto connect on start
To connect manually run command:
ifup wlan0
Java dead-end explorations in honor of great Jara Cimrman
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid SSID
wpa-psk "password to wifi"
ifup wlan0
Calendar result = Calendar.getInstance();
result.set(calendar.getYear(), calendar.getMonth() - 1, calendar.getDay(), calendar.getHour(), calendar.getMinute(),calendar.getSecond());
result.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, calendar.getMillisecond());
if(month != -2147483648)
gregoriancalendar.set(2, month - 1);
if(day != -2147483648)
gregoriancalendar.set(5, day);
if(hour != -2147483648)
gregoriancalendar.set(11, hour);
if(minute != -2147483648)
gregoriancalendar.set(12, minute);
if(second != -2147483648)
gregoriancalendar.set(13, second);
if(fractionalSecond != null)
gregoriancalendar.set(14, getMillisecond());
return gregoriancalendar;
<xs:documentation>Tady je použita čeština se vším všudy<xs:documentation>
unmappable character for encoding UTF-8
com.sun.codemodel.writer.CodeWriter#openSource uses the OutputStreamWriter encoding to set the CharsetEncoder to use :
{ OutputStreamWriter bw = new OutputStreamWriter(openBinary(pkg,fileName)); (...) CharsetEncoder encoder = EncoderFactory.createEncoder(bw.getEncoding()); }
It SHOULD instead build a CharsetEncoder based on the user-requested encoding (may fallback to default platform encoding) and THEN create the OutputStreamWriter with this encoder...
{ CharsetEncoder encoder = EncoderFactory.createEncoder( getUserDefinedEncoding() ); OutputStreamWriter bw = new OutputStreamWriter(openBinary(pkg,fileName), encoder); }